Monday, October 6, 2008

Chicken Soup and a Nap

Sunday I woke up to a cloudy morning. The shades of yellow, orange and red leaves contrast with the gray sky to make everything bright and colorful. I needed the visual to wake me up, I was groggy from three busy days at work and I had just enough time to have some coffee before running out the door and down the Spring Creek trail to meet the Fort Collins Running Club for our Tortoise & Hare series 6K.

We had a small turnout for the run, maybe 12 to 15 people, and I surprised myself by running faster than my 5K pace last month. I averaged 7:21 per mile and who knows how accurate the course is, but I know I managed to hold a faster pace and this time I didn't feel my hamstring at all.

I chased Chris down early in the run, he started about 30 seconds ahead of me, I was thinking I could overtake him but he held me off at the end. I did end up with the fastest time of everyone there, even faster than Chris, but he raced the day before. I'll take it, it's not very often these days that I get anywhere close to being the fastest person at a race!

I feel like I'm making progress, but I was tired after the run. I ran over to Gib's to meet everyone for breakfast, then Morgan gave me a ride home. It rained in the afternoon and I took a long nap with the Buffaloes.

I managed to get 61 miles in last week plus a decent bike ride. Only two weeks to the 24 Hours of Boulder. I hope this year's event will have better weather. I don't want to repeat running by the light of a headlamp in a garbage bag with sleet stinging my face and the wind whipping across the reservoir at me at 3 am.

This morning I still have that low energy feeling, like I'm on the verge of catching a cold, or something. I'll bag my plan for a 15 mile run, take the girls for a short one, and then make a pot of chicken soup. I can fill out my ballot which arrived yesterday, take another nap, hydrate, and get as much rest as possible before I go back to work tomorrow.