Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pink Ice

It's official, winter is here. Ice is a sure sign.

Yesterday I walked out onto Howes street after my 3:00 massage appointment with Cindy and wished I had my camera because the light reflecting on the buildings was perfect for a painting. Driving home I saw the clouds over the foothills and I knew I had to get home to my camera and get over to Riverbend Ponds before sunset.

There was a huge pink cloud to the north over Wyoming and the formations in the clouds to the west had such interesting shapes and textures, I knew that the sunset would be spectacular and I was right.

Ice is already forming on the ponds! It didn't seem that cold to me, but the temperature has been in the 20s in town. I'm sure it's colder out here in the early morning hours.

It's Thanksgiving week. Dennis and I will be running in the downtown Turkey Trot on Thursday morning. We're going over to a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I haven't decided what I'll bring. Whole Foods was a nightmare yesterday when I tried to go in. I changed my mind and I'll try to get over there early this morning to beat the holiday feeding frenzy.

Happy Thanksgiving!