Monday, February 2, 2009

TGIF! Announcing OFITG!

It's February and the days are getting longer, and it's only about a month before we change the clocks back to Daylight Savings Time again!

I started the month with a 5K run at the Fort Collins Running Club's Tortoise & Hare race. I had a good run. Ran 23:31, exactly 30 seconds faster than last year. I'll take anything that's an improvement at this point. We had a great turnout, 22 people ran, and there was a group of young runners from the Latino Running Club who participated.

I missed the breakfast afterwards as I needed to get home and get things done. This is my crunch week at work, and I don't have a lot of time in between work days to get all the little chores and errands done, plus my workouts, so I had to skip out of socializing. I try not to do that, but this week is a bad schedule.

February is when training really starts for the year, in my opinion. All of the new years resolution delusions have melted into reality and you can smell spring in the air. People are talking race plans and training runs, and you have to start organizing your schedule for any races you plan on doing in the next few months.

I've picked up the intensity of my weight training, I'm on the bike most days at least for a good spin, and I did my first double digit mileage run since Across the Years yesterday. I'm working on losing the ten pounds I put on by training slow and eating too much bad stuff last year.

Speaking of Daylight Savings Time, I've partially decided on my birthday run, and it will be on March 8th, the day we turn the clocks ahead. No official time or distance yet but I do have a name for the event. I'm calling it One Foot in The Grave (OFITG)and it will start and finish at Grandview Cemetery. I don't know what time it will start or how far I'll go, I might have to leave those details for the day of the run. I'm guessing I can drag myself out of bed and be at the cemetery by 8:00. It will be no longer than 45 miles, 45 Km, or 45 laps around some of the cemetery's many loops.

Afterwards we will go to the Rio for food and margaritas, and celebrate my entry into my new age group. I don't have a name for my new age group yet though. I'm leaving the geezer lite age group behind. Any ideas for my new age group, 45-49?