Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Few Finds From The Weekend

 This weekend, while out and about...
I picked up a few vintage finds.
First, a classic white ironstone pitcher.

 This sweet cup says Forget me not...

 These 3 vintage soap boxes were full of odds and ends
and sitting on a table at the community center flea market.

I told the seller that I wasn't interested in the contents...
...just the pretty boxes.

She simply dumped the contents out on her table and said
...here, you can have the boxes!

...and this...
simply too dear to pass up for 75 cents...

 I love these old brass label holders...
which must have come off of a file cabinet...
...perhaps an old card catalog...
...there are at least a dozen.

Believe it or not...
I found this old pocket watch at Goodwill.

 A great old suitcase...

 ...with a vintage travel sticker from Colonial Airlines
a Canadian airlines in the 40's and 50's...
and an old Syracuse University sticker 
on the outside...

...and a nice clean, preppie looking inside...

 Two pretty wooden, gilt angel panels ...

 My favorite find...
...an old bridal piece with wonderful wax flowers.

There were a few other goodies too...
...those photos will have to wait until another time!

Since I have a white ironstone pitcher at the start and am ending with a white bridal wreath..
.I will link to Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday!
Check out the other participants!
