Monday, October 11, 2010

White enamel brooches and adult* weekend activities

*No, not that kind of adult.

This kind of adult:

That's right, hanging a gallery wall of pictures in our hallway. I laid them all our on our bed before hanging them to try to get the layout right, but ended up just kind of extemporaneously hanging them without referring to my layout pictures.

The large castle poster is actually a puzzle that me and my mom (mostly my mom, who is more patient than me) put together. Mom got it framed and gave it to me as a housewarming gift when I first moved out on my own, and it's remained close to my heart ever since. The tiny blue picture in the larger frame on the right? That was given to us by my Aunt Nell, who got it from the local Art-o-mat when they visited us.

Oh, and that awesome drawing you see in the middle that says "Bunches & Sweets"?

That is my first ever commissioned art piece, done by Natalie, who is a constant style and otherwise inspiration to me.

So, you see, I had to revamp the picture-hanging-sitch in our hallway to provide an adequate environment to showcase that awesome piece of work. No pictures of the hallway yet as it's dark and impossible to get a good shot of it with the weather we've been having.

Anyways, on to the outfit:

Isn't the white and gold leaf-shaped enamel brooch just fabulous?

Outfit details:
Brooch: Free! from the recent clothing swap. From Ingra, the giver of all my good clothing swap things.
Dress: Asos Curve (like this one, but navy blue)
Cardigan: Target merona xxl, 2009
belt: target 2xl, recent
Leggings: dorothy perkins, 22, from a fats lj sales post
shoes: my fave lately, BC Helicopter, size 11
Leather patchwork purse: garage sale, $3!