Monday, November 8, 2010

Abandoned Southern Charmer

 The day after Halloween, after my sister, my brother in law and I went to the flea market...we stopped for lunch and then took a walk and came upon this beautiful, stately abandoned home.

Oh, would I have loved to have lived in a home like this!

My brother in law is fearless and as we walked closer to this gracious old home he saw that the front door was wide open ...
...without hesitating...he walked up the stairs of the old wrap around  porch and right in through the open door.

 Now those of you who know me...know that I am a fraidy cat....
...but curiosity got the better of me...

 ...and I went right in the door after Steve!

 The place was a mess. There were odds and ends of furniture upended...remnants of wallpaper...peeling plaster, a rusty claw foot tub...wonderful old doors and windows...although most of the windows were boarded up.

 We ventured upstairs...

 There were fireplaces with old mantles in every room.

Some of the floorboards were soft so we had to be careful where we stepped so we didn't fall through to the first floor.

 Beautiful architectural details...
the railings along the porch and banisters on the stairs were lovely and all intact...

 Steve thought that the house had once been set up as a
"haunted house" for Halloween...
...perhaps even the night before we were there!

 I was thankful that the sun was shining brightly that afternoon.

I wish I knew the history behind this old home...
...who lived here and their stories.

My visit to this old southern charmer was exciting but a little bittersweet as what was once a beautiful gracious home was now in such a terrible state of disrepair.

Would you have dared to go inside?
I am linking up to White Wednesday at Kathleen's Faded Charm!
Pop on over and see all the other participants!