Wednesday, January 5, 2011

French Canning Jars

Several weeks ago as I was poking about my local Anthropologie
 I spotted these two old one litre French canning jars.

They each have an embossed image of a  thistle on the front
 as well as on the glass lid...

...and are marked La Lorraine

I love the wire bale attachment mechanism for the lids
 and the color of the glass...
...light green to aqua

... and quite recently, my very kind, clever and patient friend,
 Julie of Being Ruby
helped me with a few technical changes on my blog.
  And in appreciation,
 I sent her two blue Ball mason jars with zinc lids ...
...which she has been wanting
 and has found hard to come by in Australia.

I guess these two French jars were waiting for me to find them replace the Ball jars that left home!

Hope you have all been well since I have been absent
 here in the land of blogs...
My time has been well spent visiting and having fun with
 family members, who came from all over,
 to celebrate the holidays with my parents here in Florida.

Now that most have flown the coop...
I will try to do a bit of thrifting and plan to go to the 
flea market at Webster.
I also have an exciting visit planned next week
 with a special blogging friend.
 I will let you know more about that soon!

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my last few posts...
and although I have been focused on my family...
... I am always touched by and appreciate your prayers
 and well wishes for Mom.

Take care...:)