Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gummy Worms

Thanks to EVERYONE who sent me messages and thoughts of support in my race! I will be in touch individually, right now I am at my parents' house in Arizona, visiting, doing laundry, sleeping, eating, and putting my feet up most of the time.

I am finding all sorts of interesting things while cleaning up after the race, like the 4 day old half-eaten breakfast sandwich from McDonald's that I bought race morning and stuck in my box under my table, and the gummy worms I found in the washing machine after I washed the clothes I was wearing while running. I am sure those gummy worms were cleaner than when I grabbed them from the bowls at the aid station on New Year's Eve.

And every once in a while I get a crazy text message from one of the other runners in the race. We are all half-crazed and sleep deprived and suffering from separation anxiety after being in such close proximity for several days running around the same 500 meter loop together. It really does create culture shock to re-enter the real world after one of these events.

I will have some pictures and race stories when I get home in a few days and can blog about it, but in a nutshell, I had a GREAT race, reached my goal and exceeded it, and spent the new year holiday in the presence of all these fantastic people, walking, eating, dozing off, sleepwalking, running, laughing, and hallucinating together.

Happy New Year, and you'll hear from me in a few days!