Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Magical long-hair-land

If you've been following the progression of my hairstyles through my outfit pictures (and admit it, who of us DOESN'T do that? It's FASCINATING! kidding, it's not fascinating, really), you'll notice that I'm growing my hair out. I'm super excited to have long hair that I can do elaborate braids and messy bun hairstyles with.

It will be a glorious future in which we will all have unicorns and castles and eat only the choicest of morsels.


Until that day, I gamely try to make my hair seem bigger and more capable of updos. And I'm about to share one of my secrets with you all.

I tease my hair.

Exhibit A:

(something tells me I should NOT be putting this picture on the internets, but, Beej, you wanted more outtake pictures!

This helps embiggify it so that it looks better in updos. Also, it stays back better (otherwise, my hair is very slippery). It also requires lots less product (I HATE hairspray) to stay put, because the hair sort of grips itself, what with all the knots that I put it in with the teasing. (I like parentheticals, they are like hugs))

So, from that, to this:

lady blue steel!

I basically just braid small sections of it and bobby pin them in place.

I definitely like my hair up better than down. And this teased/braided amalgam is my new favorite hairstyle for sure.

Do any of you tease your hair?