Saturday, January 15, 2011

Outside Sweet Pea's Home

OK, so where was I?

Back to my visit at Sweet Pea Home!

Not only does sweet Shelley decorate the interiors of their lovely home with her distinctive style and wonderful collections...
...but their outdoor spaces are equally as charming and chock a block full of wonderful finds...
...all artfully arranged.

I have several antique wire flower stands but this charming tiered table that sits on the screened patio is fabulous!

...and look at this amazing aviary!

Her backyard consisted of little outdoor rooms...sitting areas with cool old chairs and tables for sharing Mr. Sweet Pea's well as old architectural pieces and lots of container gardens. 

...and many of my favorite flowers... are pansies in old zinc buckets...

...pots of white allysum and bacopa...

...and blue lobelia in this big old zinc sink!

Shelley grows lettuce and herbs in this antique zinc tub
 out in the back yard.

I saw a similar one at Renninger's yesterday...
...alas...Mr. Flea was there to restrain me..  :)


She made a delicious salad out of these greens to go along with the hearty soup and crusty bread served for lunch.
 Yum! :)

But the centerpiece of their outdoor living spaces is this little jewel...
...Shelley calls it her playhouse!

Inside it is filled with finds and treasures from
 Shelley's antiquing jaunts,
 all sorts of interesting and artful architectural elements,
 beautiful pillows and gifts of nature.

 Shelley has a knack for bringing the outside in...
...and the inside out!
 It seems the mild Florida climate is perfect
 for this kind of decorating and living!

She has some nifty whisk brooms which I could have easily brought home to add to my own collection.

All this old chippy paint, wire ware, zinc and antique iron is making my head spin! How about you?

Sure, I'll sit here with you a spell....leaf through some decorating magazines...sip some iced tea and chat the afternoon away!

Don't you just love these old tin ceiling tiles?

Everything about our visit to Shelley's Sweet Pea Home was perfect!
From top to bottom...
From inside to out... was a wonderfully inspiring day!
But the best part of all were the new friends I made.
Thank you... Shelley and Rex
 for welcoming us into your beautiful home!

Later on this week, I will share a few of the pictures that I took when we stopped in
 at Susie's home...From My Home to Yours!
You will love it!

And, yes....we had a wonderful time at Renningers!
Lots to tell you about that too!

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend!