Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Artful Blogging

I picked up a copy of the Spring 2011 issue of 
Artful Blogging yesterday....

It is a lovely issue with several of my talented
 blog friends featured in it.
 Also included are some wonderful blogs
 that I was not familiar with
 but am thrilled to know about and follow now.

And's true...
this issue also includes a little article that I was asked to write.
I hope you like it.

 All of the photos included were taken with
 my trusty little point and shoot... was before my birthday in November 
and in my pre- big girl camera days!

The editor chose the pictures from my blog and
 I thought it interesting that most of the 16 photos used
 were ones that I had altered and played around with
 in Picasa and Picnik.  

It's funny because I think that I would have chosen
 totally different pictures to be in the magazine...
 but I guess these were the ones they liked best!

In any case,
 I am honored and as my Mom would say, "tickled pink"
to be included in this beautiful publication
 along with so many talented and creative people.
Thank you!

Last call!
You still have a chance to enter the Silvered Bottle Give Away...
Two winners will be chosen at random tomorrow night!
Good luck friends!