Saturday, March 26, 2011

2 Year Blogversary Give Back

the original photo

Oh NO!
I missed my 2 year Blogging Anniversary!
( back in February)

A few weeks ago I received an email from Megan at 
 asking if I would be interested in hosting a giveaway for readers of 
52 FLEA.

Why not?

I thought that this would be a good opportunity to celebrate my
 2nd year of blogging and Give Back to all of you who have given
 so much to me in the way of friendship, support and comfort
 over the last two years.

Have you seen these photos on canvas prints?
Creating one is like designing your own custom art work!
It really is easy to do...
You just upload your photo to their site...
Select a size, a border and any image effects...
...and presto!

I experimented with a favorite photo of one of my French canisters and those soft pink blossoms from our Japanese cherry tree.
I love the way it looks as a canvas print.

Can you imagine what you could do with a favorite family photo?
I will have to try many to choose from!

If you would like to win the chance to create your own canvas print
 with your own photo...
just leave a comment on this post.

For a second chance to win...mention this Give Back on your blog or other social media and leave a second comment to tell me so.

As per the folks at Easy Canvas Prints, this Give Back is open to all my friends in the United States.

I cannot leave out all my special friends from outside the U.S. so for those people who are beyond U.S. shores, instead of a canvas print, one winner will receive a copy of the spring issue of 
Artful Blogging magazine!

An AMAZING issue!

Yes, that's the one with my little article... 

To enter to win either a chance to design your own Canvas Print
a copy of Artful Blogging magazine...

...remember to leave a comment on this post before

April Fool's Day!
(Brother Biff's birthday!)
 Friday, April 1st!

Good Luck!