Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Amy Love

A day or so after we returned from Florida I received an email from
asking for my mailing address as she had something to send me.

A few days later a package from Oregon arrived with a beautiful and compassionate note...as Amy knows I am grieving the loss of my Mom.

 Amy's words of support and encouragement and her joyful assurance of our faith touched my heart and did, indeed remind me that He is my strength.

And just look at what she sent!
A wonderful number 52 brass laundry tag,
 an antique French music card,
really fabulous old French documents,
 four tiny clay feves (love these!) 
and an old French needle packet.

If you don't know about Amy...
she travels to France to hunt the brocantes for special treasures that she brings back to sell in her Charlotte's Brocante.

And now you know the kind of person Miss Amy is.
 I  really am overwhelmed with her kindness and generosity.

And the thoughtfulness and loving support that Amy offered is indicative of why I love our blogging community.

Thank you Amy from the bottom of my heart.

And thanks to all of YOU
 for all the thoughtful and kind words...
...for all the things that you do to make our blogging world
 the sweet place that it is.

Linking up to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm....