Monday, April 25, 2011 improvement that's pretty cool - Dynamic Views for readers

Hi all,

Blog content has been light lately. I haven't taken any outfit pics lately since I'm recovering from a pretty serious run in with bug bites from a trip to a cabin three weeks ago! 230 bites means that my arms and legs still look pretty gross, so I haven't been inclined to do outfit pics lately. Hopefully soon!

In the meantime, I wanted to share this awesome new feature launched for blogger/blogspot blogs. It's called dynamic views, and anyone with a blogger blog can use it for their blogs! Basically, just append /view to the end of your blog url, and you'll get all these options:

Flipcard: available at [blogURL]/view/flipcard
Mosaic: available at [blogURL]/view/mosaic
Sidebar: available at [blogURL]/view/sidebar
Snapshot: available at [blogURL]/view/snapshot
Timeslide: available at [blogURL]/view/timeslide

My favorite is Flipcard (seen above), but I also like Mosaic a lot, and also sidebar. Really, the only one I don't like is Snapshot.

Have you Blogger bloggers discovered this feature yet? Which one is your favorite?