Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Romantic Prairie Style and A Give Back

 A  few weeks ago I was contacted by Sharon
 from Ryland Peters & Small - CICO Books,
 who asked if I was interested in doing a book review on
Romantic Prairie Style

Well, YES....I would be more than happy to look at this book that people have been talking about all over our blogging community.
 As you know, I have been a bit absent these last few months so I haven't had the chance to take a look at this new book before now.

The book, by the infamous designer and photo stylist Fifi O"Neill and with beautiful photographs by Mark Lohman turns out to be a winner...a must have...a new favorite among the stacks of decorating and home decor books in my collection.
Oh my goodness...
 Let me tell you why this girl who has only ever seen
 the prairies of the midwest once in her life...
...this girl who lives near the Big Apple and summers in the Adirondacks has an affinity for romantic prairie style.

It turns out that what Fifi calls romantic prairie style is all about simple living, contentment, seeing the beauty in everyday objects, family first and a respect for mother nature and history.

I love that the book demonstrates how using re-purposed finds,
 collected vintage treasures and family heirlooms rich with meaning
 can infuse a home with a sense of authenticity and personality.

Each home is very different...
but all are connected to their settings...
the land that surrounds them...
...all have ties to family traditions and lifestyles.
These homes are honest, unpretentious, comfortable
 and undeniably beautiful spaces.

As I turned the pages of this beautiful book
 and took in all the details of the gorgeous photographs,
 I realized that these are real people, real families
 and many of them are, in fact, bloggers who I have come to know through our blogging community.

  I was delighted to see more of their homes
 and learn a bit more about their lives and their families.

Romantic Prairie Style is not just a country style decorating book
 ... it is about an entire way of living.
 It demonstrates how appreciating and using what you have in creative new ways can be fulfilling.
The book encourages us to look closer at the beauty
 that surrounds us.
It edifies the honesty and simplicity of humble living,
 the importance of family
 and honoring the history of our ancestors.

I didn't expect that! 

I just love looking at the beautiful, unique and homey spaces
 that are included in
Romantic Prairie Style.
I find myself inspired anew each time I turn the page.

Here are some of the talented and lovely bloggers whose blogs I love to visit and whose homes were featured in the book:

Tracey Leber from French Larkspur
Carol Spinski from Raised in Cotton 
and her new site and blog Carol Spinski
Anne-Marie from Na-Da Farm Life
Joy Waltmire from Savvy City Farmer
Andrea Dickerson from Faded Plains
Angela Reed from Parisienne Farmgirl
Caroline Verschoor from Ekster Antiques
Maria Carr from Dreamy Whites
and of course...
Fifi O'Neill from Chez Fifi

There were other homes featured... equally as charming,
 unique and inspiring.  I thoroughly enjoyed them all.

So much creative talent!

A Give Back!

Well, if you think you would enjoy Romantic Prairie Style 
 and would like to have a copy of your own...
simply leave a comment on this post. 

For a second chance, please spread the word
 through your blog or Facebook or Twitter.
(Don't forget to let me know you have done so!)

Just so you know...
I was not asked by the author or any of the featured home owners to write about Romantic Prairie Style.
I was not compensated in any way for this review...other than a copy of the book to read and an opportunity to offer one to you in the form of a Give Away.  I have never personally met Fifi or any of the bloggers listed with the exception of Carol Spinski who I met in person at Silver Bella last year. (She was so friendly!)

Having said that...
I do feel a connection to these featured blogger buddies...
several who have commented on my past posts here at 52 Flea
 and many whose blogs I love to visit for inspiration.
 So, yes...I consider them my friends!

But I didn't even know that some of them were featured
 until I read the book!
What a delightful surprise!

I guess that shows you just how removed I have been these last four months!

And I truly love the book!

In the months ahead I have several big home projects planned... 
 ...including a re-do of the kitchen up at the lake house ...
...a re-do on a shoestring budget I might add...
I am sure that I will be referring to
Romantic Prairie Style for inspiration!

The winner of this Give Back will be randomly selected 
on Sunday, April 17th.
Good luck! 

...and if the winner wants a signed copy...the word on the street is that Fifi 
will be at Anne Marie's  Na-Da Farm Sale the weekend of May 20th and 21st.
  Go, enjoy and bring your book!