Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thank You Roseanna!

Way back in February I entered Roseanna's giveaway
 at her blog After I Finish This Row
at meli-melo-art.blogspot.com
Are you familiar with Roseanna's work?
 She is a mixed media artist and creates all sorts of wonderful things.
Well, anyways...
I won her give away and last week when I returned from Florida
 her box of treasures was waiting for me! 

Just look at this hand knit nest with 3 tiny quail eggs!

Also included were a vintage doily pin
 made with vintage velvet leaves and seam binding,

 a recycled crochet covered jar,

 a stuffed heart with a vintage button
tied on with baker's twine,

 a small garland made with French primer pages
and 2 sweet paper butterflies,

 two fabric printed vintage pictures of a little flower girl
 (who happens to be her Aunt Rose at three years old, c. 1923) 
and two fabric printed urns.

So many goodies and so much talent!
Thank you Roseanna!

If you would like to see more of Roseanna's creations you can visit

 her Etsy shop meli-melo-art  HERE

Just thought you would like to see!

Hope you are having a good week.