Saturday, April 16, 2011

Warning: vacation photos ahead - Fort Casey

Back in February, we headed over to Whidbey Island to check out the awesome Fort Casey.

It was a beautiful day, and we explored the nearly 500 acres of concrete towers, tunnels, crumbling iron railings, old artillery storage cubbies, massive anti-naval guns - there's even a lighthouse!

Ft. Casey was built in the late 1800s as a naval defense fort, but rendered obsolete before it was finished by the invention of the airplane. Even on a bright and sunny day, it was still a little creepy! There are no safety barriers or areas that are roped off - it's all just available to be scampered over by kids, adults, and dogs alike.

If you'd in the Puget sound area I totally recommend going there - it's free to get in, and we spent hours walking around.

On our way over there

multiple levels of concrete bunker walls made me feel like I was in a video game

the only concession to safety - signs stating the obvious

one of the 5 or so guard/lookout stations. See waffles poking her head out?

super labyrinthine

they look ready for anything, don't they?

she really photographs well in the sunlight

love this picture

the gun embankments all had names - I'm guessing the guns themselves had names. I think there were about 10 guns there at one point.

here's one of them - huge!

This is just a small part of the entire set of fortifications - I couldn't get it all in one frame.

We had such a great time - I just love exploring old buildings and places, especially when there are no limitations on where you can go!