Friday, May 13, 2011

OOTD: to Target and beyond!

This is the face of a person that went to Target and found an awesome shirt on clearance.

This is also the face of a person who really loved her outfit that day.

I went to my first estate sale a few weekends ago and scored this awesome yellow cardigan. I felt a kindred spirit to the lady whose belongings were being sold - she had 100 cardigans, all of them my size, none of them wool. She must have been allergic to wool like me!

Outfit details:
dress: asos curve, 2010
cardigan: estate sale, vintage, AWESOME
petticoat: made by me (here's a tutorial)
lace necklace:

Have any of you been to an estate sale before? What did you think? I felt torn because it is sad to rummage through the remnants of someone's life... but also glad that these garments and items were getting new life and being repurposed...