Sunday, June 19, 2011

OOTD: in which I wore my hair down for the first time in MONTHS

Today, we lazed about the house until dinnertime. I actually blew my hair dry today and decided to wear it down. It's been forever since I've done that - it's getting really long! I like it.

After hair drying adventures (as if anyone needs any more adventure in their day), we went to Target to buy hangers (what can I say, my clothing collection is getting a bit out of control), then to dinner, then to see Thor.

Isn't this husband adorable? We, through no effort of coordination, wore the exact same shade of green.

All in all, a fine evening.

Also, I have to share, even though this is in no way fashion related... We got Waffles a summer haircut.

From this:

To this:

Isn't she adorable? She's a lot smaller underneath all that hair than we thought she was! She looks like a little bear cub!

What's been going on with you lovelies this early summer? Any summer haircuts for yourselves or your pets? Do share in the comments!