Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Begins

I spent the day helping Dad pack up the car, 
getting ready for our two day drive north.

Dad is ready to leave the heat of Florida behind
 and head up to the cooler mountains in New York.

So many summers... many seasons of summer fun at the lake.
So far, five generations of our family
 have enjoyed their summers here!
...or at least parts of summers...after all, we did and many of us, still work!

We are expecting a lot of family and friends
 to join us this year...

Things will be different without Mom...
...but we have so many wonderful memories to cherish
 and will surely have new experiences and good times
 to add to that treasured cache.

 I have been looking through old black and white photos of summer fun back in the good old days when my great grandparents
 and my grandparents used this place as their retreat.
 I will have to do a post with all those vintage photos soon.

 I have no doubt that it will be a wonderful summer!

Do you see this green glass shaker?
My great grandmother Laura had a pair of them at the lake house when she spent time here in the 1930's,40's and 50's.
 They belong to me now and for some reason,
 every time I am out flea-ing and I spy another green glass shaker ...
 I tend to bring it home with me.
 I have been doing that for years. 
I have a lot of green glass shakers and jars.
note to self...
I. have. enough.

So, anyway....
What are your plans for the summer?
Do you plan to travel? Stay close to home? 
What does your favorite way to spend a summer look like?