Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Change of Scenery

I flew to Florida to spend some time with my parents yesterday.

As is our family tradition, my Dad drives directly from the airport to a little place on the Gulf called Sams.

Looking out at the water
the fishing boats and the seagulls
gently remind me that I have left the northeast.

It's not all bad!

A Margarita in a plastic cup is served along with crab cakes and chowder. Casual dining at its best!

I enjoyed the different varieties of Florida flowers
on my walk this morning.

A different sight than the tall towering pines of the north.
The Spanish moss looks so graceful...

This dapper Sandhill crane walked right across my path and out onto the golf course...

Of course I love the pretty blue Plumbago....

I am so happy to have the opportunity to spend time with Mom and Dad. 
I hope to be able to do a bit of thrifting and perhaps a flea market or two while I am here.
I will certainly keep you posted!
Be well!