Monday, November 29, 2010

10 Days, No Dresses challenge

If you've stopped by this here blog before, you may notice that I employ dresses quite liberally in my wardrobe. You may even be able to say, truthfully, that I wear a dress nearly every day.

So, Monkey and I decided to do a challenge that would push us both in the direction of the neglected pieces in our wardrobes! For me, this is pants and skirts (trousers to you Brits. I do wear underwear.). For Monkey, it's dresses - go see her first day post, she's adorbs.

(via pudgy hands of doom, deviantart)

So, I own 3 pairs of jeans that are fit for actual wearing (and one pair for painting/getting dirty). I own a handful of skirts as well, but I hardly ever wear them. I'm not sure why - I think I just like dresses more, they are more comfortable, they require less constant-adjusting-throughout-the-day-anytime-I-sit-or-stand. I'm a busy and important person*. I don't have time for adjusting my clothing constantly to maintain my preferred state of Awesome.

But, I did just get 2 pairs of skinny jeans from Torrid, and they are comfy, and I have a few cute tops, and I want to get out of the rut of "dress, cardigan, boots, scarf = rebecca".

So, this week M-F, and next week M-F, I'll be wearing jeans or skirts exclusively. I'm also going to try to wear heels more often too, since they are also neglected.

Stay tuned for Day One's outfit - which I am wearing now, but haven't taken any pictures of just yet. Can you even handle the excitement?

*actual importance may vary