Saturday, November 20, 2010

108 - Indoor photos are hard to take

With the daylight savings time change, mixed with the latitude of Seattle... well, folks, it's been difficult to get photos of my outfits during the daylight hours. I'm just too shy to ask a coworker to take a picture of me I guess!

So, I tried to make a home photo studio area using a thrifted sheet that I keep meaning to turn into a dress, and all the lamps we have in the room, plus the tripod.

The result: mediocre at best.

At least my outfit was super cute!

but it wasn't shiny like the pictures made it look:

And the only way I could keep my eyes from becoming huge flashes of light was from not looking at the camera, which, frankly, makes me look a little too wistful.

Outfit details:
Lace shirt: Ross, part of a dress combo
Dress: thrifted Avenue skirt turned into a dress
Boots: Target
Headband: etsy, ages ago, forget which seller
Curly hair: courtesy of sponge rollers worn overnight!

How do you awesome photo takers take indoor pictures that turn out so great? Glasses-wearers, how do you keep your glasses from reflecting the flash?