Friday, November 19, 2010

Seven Days of Gratitude....A Special Give Back For You

As I prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving
and my birthday with my family
I  have been thinking about all my many blessings.

I am so grateful for the gifts that God has given me
...especially my wonderful family and friends.

 And I am so grateful for all of you who visit 
52 Flea...
...and for those of you who follow along and take the time to comment and share your thoughts. 
  With nearly 600 posts written, it has been a joy to be a part of this creative and supportive community. 

 And so in the spirit of sincere gratitude,
I am having a week long Give-Back which begins today with this white Victorian night dress. For the next week, I will add something from my stash of treasures each day until Friday, November 26th when a winner will be randomly selected from all those who choose to enter.

This Gratitude Give-Back 
is open to everyone... matter where you live
in this big and beautiful world of ours.

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post.

I would love it if you shared that which you are most grateful for.

You do not have to be a follower to have a chance to win.

But if you are a follower, I appreciate that...please let me know with a second comment and your name will be entered for a second chance. If you care to put this Gratitude Give Back on your sidebar or post about it then a third chance to win will be yours.

 Aren't the details pretty?
It is not perfect as it is vintage...a tiny hole here or a slight tear there but it is a lovely cotton and can be worn.  I think it is beautiful.

I will be sorting through my piles of vintage goodies to find other interesting and fun things to add to this
Gratitude Give-Back
I am sure there will be some vintage lace, old photos and bits and bobs that you will love added each day of the coming week.

 Meanwhile, we are planning Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Mary Beth's home and I am in charge of decorating and setting the table!
(Not to worry, I am also sharing in the cooking!)

Over the years, as our family has grown, we have been celebrating most holidays at my sister's home as it is the cleanest largest and can easily accommodate all of us. (It also has a lot less stuff in it!)

This year, for Mary Beth's combined Christmas and birthday gift my other sister Lynn and I have had the opportunity to buy a set of lovely blue and white dishes complete with serving pieces from my dear friend Evi who is paring down her large collection of  beautiful dishware.

This set of dishes from Germany is special as Evi has been gathering pieces over the last 25 years  Her sister in law and brother have brought her pieces from Germany each time they visited her here in New York. Evi has loved these dishes a long time but now feels it is time to pass them on and is delighted to know that my family will be using them this Thanksgiving and for years to come!


Now my challenge is to decorate the table with a fall theme but not to necessarily use the traditional autumn colors of gold and orange...and so you see me playing here today with faded blue hydrangea, little white pumpkins and one of my old French bread baskets.

Here's a peek at one of the dishes!

Remember to leave a comment (or two or three) here on this post to be entered into the Gratitude Give-Back.

Check back to see what else gets added to the vintage Victorian more surprise each day of this week.

There will be seven prizes in all for the lucky winner!

Good Luck my friends and Thank YOU for all your kindness!

:) Laura