Tuesday, July 5, 2011

After The Fun On The Fourth!

The girls left this afternoon.
Mr. Flea and I were sad to see them go...
...so sweet, so much fun.

From fashion shows in vintage hats...

...to water gun fights, bubble blowing and hula hoop contests...

...every last moment in the sun with these three
 sweethearts was a gift.

We were blessed with beautiful weather for swimming, sailing,
 kayaking and making sand castles...

...and for getting reacquainted with old friends from last summer.
8 years old this year!

Even Mr. Flea and his best friend, The Oar Master
 got to have some fun!

It was a Fourth of July holiday to remember!

I think we say that every year!

I hope your holiday celebrations were filled with fun too!
Thank you for all your kind comments!

Tomorrow, I will tell you more about my little booth space at Schoolhouse Treasures
and....I promise...
the 700th post give-back is just around the corner!