Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Today is May Day! 
...a very special day in our family
 as Kate was born on May 1st...
25 years ago!

The prettiest time of the year for a birthday!

 All my favorite blossoms were in bloom in our yard 
when I brought my sweet baby girl home.

She's one of a kind!
My Mom called Kate...her golden girl.
A beautiful girl...making her way in this world.
We are very proud of her.

I found this picture of Kate when she was about 4...
playing "pirate princess" with her big brother.
It captures her determined spirit!

Starla is really Kate's cat...
...although she remains at home with Mr. Flea and me
 as Kate's life in Manhattan is a bit too much for her.
Starla is saying...
Happy Birthday Kate...come home and visit me!

Our lilacs have bloomed today...
just as they did 25 years ago...
...the day Katharine Grace was born.

My Mother's deep purple double French lilacs, 
My grandmother's lavender lilacs and
 Mr. Flea's grandmother's white lilacs.

Happy Birthday Kate!
Happy May Day!